How to quickly add collaborators to your Canva Project

Photo by Mimi Thian on Unsplash

How to quickly add collaborators to your Canva Project

Hi! Here is a quick guide about collaboration with Canva.
If you want to get people to help you: this is a good way to do it!

0. Things you need

  • An email of your friend or coworker which would like to help you.

Remember: Canva will ask your friend to sign in if they haven't already.

1. Open your Canva project

Go to your account, on the navbar: select Projects.
Open the Project you'd like to share with your friends/colleagues.


2. Open the Share menu

On the top-right, right within the topbar, select the add button: the one with the big inside.


3. Fill and share

Within the menu you've just opened, fill the requested form fields:

  1. Fill the email field with the email your friend provided to you beforehand
  2. Optionally fill the message field with some text to tell your friend it's you reaching out

Click Send.


4. The End

When your friend/coworker will open the email, they'll receive a link and the instructions to reach your project and help you.